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Phone: 13530936931

National hotline: 400-001-9722

Fax: 0755-29167281

Email: lhlv@topsmt.com

Address: 3rd Floor, Building 10, 6th District, Huai De Cuigang Industrial Park, Fuyong, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Website: www.intelli40.com

Website:    www.mustshop.cn  

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Shenzhen Yingteli Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

Phone: 13530936931

Email: lhlv@topsmt.com

Address: 3rd Floor, Building 10, 6th District, Huai De Cuigang Industrial Park, 

Fuyong, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Website:    www.mustshop.cn  


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